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Reports of recovery from disease due to MGN-3
Chronic hepatitis,Chronic Hepatitis, Type B, and Liver Cancer(1)(2),Chronic C type virus hepatitis(1)(2)(3),Chronic C type virus hepatitis,stomach cancer,Cirrhosis,,Chronic hepatitis C, liver cancer(1)(2),Chronic Hepatitis, Type C

Diabetes(1),(2),Diabetes (NIDDM),Diabetes (NIDDM), asthma

Breast Cancer(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9),Breast cancer (metastasis in the left neck lymph node) ,Breast cancer and metastases in the brain and lung

Hepatitis C(1)(2)|Hepatitis C→liver cancer

Prostate cancer(1)(2)(3)(4)|Colon Cancer(1)(2)(3)(4),Colonic Cancer/Liver Metastasis,Colon polyp|Pulmonary adenocarcinoma(1)(2)|Atopic dermatitis(1)(2)(3)|Articular rheumatism(1)(2)(3) |EndometriosisBladder cancer,Bladder CarcinomaPrimary Malignant Lymphoma of the Left Breast Articular RheumatismLung Cancer/Lib Metastasis,Lung cancer (terminal)Stomach Cancer,Stomach cancer (scirrhous)Liver cancerMetastatic Lung CancerPancreas Cancer, Gallbladder and Liver MetastasisOvarian tumorMalignant liver cancer,Malignant lymphomaInfantile asthmaTonsillitisPharynx cancerOropharynx cancerRectum cancer, bile duct cancerPulmonary adenocarcinoma→metast asis to the pleura

 No.12 Bladder Carcinoma
Clinical Record and Treatment
The patient was diagnosed with stage 1 bladder carcinoma at Drew University Hospital, CA on October 14, 1994. The patient immediately started chemotherapy and continued it for 6 months. On February 14, 1995, an edema was found in the patient's leg. The patient started receiving 3 g MGN-3 per day (1g/dose). The patient was able to return to her usual daily activities and to teach classes all day long, which is her occupation. The patient's CT scan was normal and there were no symptoms of recurrence during an examination on February 15, 1997.


The patient's bladder carcinoma disappeared due to chemotherapy and MGN-3, and recurrence has been prevented. At present, the patient's NK cell activity is being maintained at a high level and the androgenic hormone levels are normal, so it appears that there is no risk of recurrence.

 No.13 Chronic Hepatitis, Type B, and Liver Cancer
 NAME/Y.K.AGE/44 SEX/MaleRESIDENCE/Fukuoka Prefecture
Clinical Record and Treatment
The patient has a history of viral hepatitis, type B, and was diagnosed with active chronic hepatitis (HbeAg+, HbeAb-) in June 1996 at K hospital in Fukuoka Prefecture. The patient's GOT and GPT levels were 85 and 93 respectively. The patient immediately entered the hospital and the condition slowed temporarily with some rest and treatment with Major Minofargen C. The patient left the hospital in April 1994. The GOT and GPT levels fluctuated between 50 and 70 and between 55 and 80 respectively. In November 1997, the patient visited O clinic complaining of fever and severe fatigue. The tumor marker CA 19-9 increased to 78 and two tumors was found in the patient's liver upon close examination. The patient started taking 3 g of MGN-3 daily (1g per dose) in January 1998. The severe fatigue was reduced with the administration of MGN-3 and the level of CA19-9 decreased to 66 three months later (April 1998). Moreover, HbsAg decreased gradually and was eventually not detected. HbeAb, on the other hand, increased. HbsAg was 47.9 at the beginning of the administration of MGN-3, but the level decreased to 36.9 three months later. At present, the patient's transaminase activity is stable, which means that GOT and GPT are 41 and 37 respectively. (Change in transaminase activity, cf.Fig.)

Changes due to MGN-3

The patient's fatigue was initially lessened by MGN-3 administration and appetite increased. Pain in the liver was dulled.


This is a case of type-B Chronic Hepatitis with advanced liver cancer; the tumor marker started declining with MGN-3 administration and declined steadily for 3 months. One of the tumors disappeared 4 months later. Moreover, hepatitis B e antigen disappeared and hepatitis B e antibody increased. Hepatitis B surface antigen is decreasing. This implies improvement of the patient's immune system, and MGN-3 administration is expected to relieve the Chronic Hepatitis and prevent the recurrence of liver cancer.

 No.14 Chronic Hepatitis, Type B, and Liver Cancer
 NAMES.G.AGE/56 SEX/MaleRESIDENCE/Fukuoka Prefecture
Clinical Record and Treatment
The patient had been diagnosed with active viral type-B hepatitis with hepatitis B e antigen+ and hepatitis B e antibody- since the age of 45. Suffering from extensive headaches and nausea, the patient visited O clinic on October 11, 1996. Concerning the patient's transaminase activity, GOT, GPT, hepatitis B e antigens, and AFP were 85, 74, 55.5, and 210, respectively. The diagnosis of hepatitis type-B advanced liver cancer was doubted, and close examination revealed two tumors in the patient's liver. The patient started to receive 3 g MGN-3 daily (1g/dose). The patient was relieved of nausea after 3 days. An examination two months later on December 20th indicated that GOT, GPT, Hepatitis B surface antigens, and AFP were 220, 160, 49.2, and 180, respectively. The patient's health had improved and fatigue had lessened. Results of an examination on February 27, 1997 demonstrated that GOT, GPT, hepatitis B surface antigens, and AFP(αfetoprotein) were 42, 46, 35.9, and 18.(Change in transaminase activity, cf.Fig.)

Changes due to MGN-3

Three days after starting MGN-3 administration, the patient's nausea was alleviated and body temperature decreased from 38℃ to 37℃. Afterwards, the patient recovered his appetite and strength.


This is a typical case of type-B chronic hepatitis with advanced liver cancer, so some improvement was detected due to taking 3 g MGN-3 per day. The transaminase activity rose temporarily after the start of MGN-3 administration, and it then rapidly declined and reached normal levels three months later. Hepatitis B surface antigen, which measures the degree of infection for type-B hepatitis, has declined gradually, and that implies that the patient's viral-B hepatitis load also has been decreasing gradually. Since this improvement has been seen in such a short period, MGN-3's level of immunopotentiation activity is considered to be relatively high. Henceforth, MGN-3 may relieve the patient of type-B hepatitis and prevent the recurrence of liver cancer.

 No.15 Chronic Hepatitis, Type C
 NAME/Y.Y.AGE/65 SEX/MalePeriod of MGN-3 Administration/Jan. 8~Mar. 10, 1998
 NAME/S.K.AGE/63 SEX/FemalePeriod of MGN-3 Administration/Aug. 8~Nov. 20, 1998
 NAME/M.A.AGE/75 SEX/FemalePeriod of MGN-3 Administration/Oct. 17, 1998~Jan, 20, 1999
 NAME/N.S.AGE/64 SEX/MalePeriod of MGN-3 Administration/Sep. 15~Dec. 20, 1998
Clinical Record and Treatment
3 g MGN-3 per day was administered for three months to four (4) patients consisting of 2 males and 2 females who suffered from type-C chronic hepatitis in order to confirm MGN-3's effect on the disease. All of the patients' conditions of type-C hepatitis improved immensely during the three months. (Results of examination: Figs. 1〜4).

Changes due to MGN-3

Three days after starting MGN-3 administration, the patient's nausea was alleviated and body temperature decreased from 38℃ to 37℃. Afterwards, the patient recovered his appetite and strength.


Patient Y.Y.'s transaminase activity kept gradually increasing until 30 days after the initial administration of MGN-3. Subsequently it continued to decline, and the GOT and GPT levels reached 46 and 42 respectively 90 days later. HCV antibody decreased from 7.8 to 5.3.

Patient S.K.'s transaminase activity increased when the patient started taking MGN-3 to more than 2.5 times its level 20 days prior. Subsequently, activity kept decreasing and the GOT and GPT levels reached 43 and 43, respectively.

Patient M.A. did not experience a significant results in terms of transaminase activity, but HCV antibody declined from 7.4 to 5.5.

Patient N.S.'s transaminase activity was high at the beginning of MGN-3 administration. Subjective symptoms included severe fatigue and loss of appetite along with a fever. Transaminase activity declined substantially after the patient started taking MGN-3, and the levels of GOT and GPT eventually reached 18 and 14, respectively. HCV antibody decreased from 5.5 to 3.3.

The aforementioned results seem due to the immunopotentiation, which not only reduced the hepatitis symptoms but also eliminated the viruses by promoting NK cell activity and the production of Interferon Gamma. Continuation of MGN-3 administration will lead to the alleviation of hepatitis symptoms and reduce the risk of cirrhosis.

 No.16 Primary Malignant Lymphoma of the Left Breast
 NAME/O.T.AGE/75 SEX/FemaleRESIDENCE/Osaka Prefecture
Clinical Record and Treatment
In November 1998, the patient had her left breast removed due to breast cancer. The patient then received hormone therapy in six cycles and finished the therapy at the end of April 1998. The patient had a local recurrence as was found during an ambulatory medical examination in June 1998. In addition, tumor marker CA 15-3 was 85U. The patient received chemotherapy presupposing ambulatory medical treatment. Chemotherapy medication consisted of:

1st week Melphalan 4mg 4 days
2nd week Methotrexate 2.5mg 3 days
3rd week Procailazine 100mg 3 days
4th week Cyclophosphamide 50mg every day

In addition to these chemotherapeutics, the patient took 3 g MGN-3 per day. Significant results had been detected since the first cycle in that the tumor grew smaller and the level of CA15-3 declined to 45. After the second cycle, ambulatory treatment appeared possible, and the patient left the hospital on July 20th. Then, the patient received 4 cycles of chemotherapy in total. The tumor marker consistently decreased and CA15-3 was within normal ranges. (cf. Fig.) A point deserving special attention is the fact that the patient continued ambulatory treatment with slight adverse effects even though she was 75 years of age. This appears to be due to the effects of MGN-3. Furthermore, the fact that chemotherapeutics had significant efficacy may also imply that there was a synergistic effect between MGN-3 and chemotherapeutics.

Changes due to MGN-3

It is worth noting that the patient did not have a loss of appetite and experienced little loss of energy during the administration of chemotherapeutics.


Chemotherapy was used to prevent the recurrence of breast cancer. In addition to chemotherapy, the patient took MGN-3 to prevent impairment of the immune system and to enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapeutics. The result was truly satisfactory. The chemotherapy was effective and the four cycles of treatment led to remission. A fundamental study has reported that MGN-3 administration of 5 FU in effective in preventing the reduction of NK cell activity, so the reduction of adverse effects for this patient was as expected. Obviously, the adverse effects were prevented and the patient thus maintained physical strength during the treatment.

 No.17 Articular Rheumatism
 NAME/S.O.AGE/74 SEX/FemaleRESIDENCE/Kobe Prefecture
Clinical Record and Treatment
The patient visited I clinic on April, 1998 complaining of arithralgia of the limbs. The pain in the knees and ankles was especially severe, and the patient had dysbasia. The patient was diagnosed with arthritis mutilans after a blood test and X-rays. In addition to conventional treatment, the patient received 1 g/day MGN-3 for a week, and the dose was then increased to 3g/day. The pain in the knees and ankles weakened around 2 weeks after taking MGN-3, and the patient did not have difficulty walking 1 month later. Stiffness in the fingers improved 6 month later and the patient did not particularly experience limitations in terms of usual activities. As of January 1999, the rheumatism index is ± and the symptoms are stable, indicating CRP(cyclic AMP receptor protein) is 0.6 and within normal ranges. (cf. Fig.)

Changes due to MGN-3

One week after starting MGN-3 administration, the patient became to sleep soundly and felt diminishing pain in the limbs. Since the dysbasia was alleviate in the early stage, the patient was very pleased.


Inflammation inhibition has been reported as one of the effects of MGN-3. While patients with articular rheumatism usually have a low level of NK cell activity, MGN-3 was prescribed in this case of arthritis mutilans in order to increase NK cell activity. The fact that MGN-3's effectiveness became apparent in a short period of time was significant subjectively and serologically. The RA test improved from ++ to ± 9 months later, and CRP declined from 2.0 to normal ranges. This case is noteworthy in that the physiological activity of MGN-3 was clinically reflected.

 No.18 Lung Cancer/Lib Metastasis
 NAME/S.K.AGE/67 SEX/MaleRESIDENCE/Osaka Prefecture
Clinical Record and Treatment
In August 1996, the patient visited the Departments of Respiratory Medicine and Surgery at H hospital because he lost weight rapidly and suffered from a hacking cough with sputum. Results of examination served to diagnose the patient with complications relating to lung cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis. After the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with antibiotics, which took preference, the patient started treatment for lung cancer in the form of irradiation therapy along with treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in October. That December, prospective treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis became possible and a tumor was removed by resection of 1/2 of the lower part of the right lung. After irradiation therapy, the patient left the hospital in January 1997. After 5 months, the patient had pain in his right thoracic region and multiple bone metastasis was found upon examination. Tumors were spread throughout the patient's body with a primary site in the ribs of the right thoracic region. 3 g MGN-3 per day was administered with an analgesic, morphine. Six months after starting MGN-3 administration, the pain lessened and the quantity of morphine was reduced gradually. In June 1998, the patient did not feel pain although he stopped taking morphine. The tumor marker was 16.8 in June 1997 at the beginning of MGN-3 administration and declined to 7.6 in December 1997 and 6.7 in June 1998, respectively. Significant improvement was observed with a bone scintigram, and metastasis to bone had obviously lessened. (cf. Fig.)

Changes due to MGN-3

The patient felt the type of pain in his right thoracic region change 1 month later after taking MGN-3, and the pain had obviously lessened 6 months later.


There is no effective way with today's medicine to cure multiple bone metastasis where tumors spread throughout the body. Metastasis that had developed rapidly gradually slowed and shrunk due to the immunopotentiation of MGN-3. As of June 1998, the tumor marker is not within normal ranges, but a continuous intake of MGN-3 should lead to further improvement and remission of the disease. In addition, similar treatment was used in an extremely similar case involving a 77-year-old female, and treatment has followed a similar process, reducing bone metastasis and pain.

 No.19 Breast Cancer
NAME/K.T.AGE/39 SEX/FemalePeriod of MGN-3 Administration/February 24, 1997 ~ December 3, 1998
NAME/M.D.AGE/74 SEX/FemalePeriod of MGN-3 Administration/August 2, 1997 ~ February 10, 1999
NAME/M.T.AGE/54 SEX/FemalePeriod of MGN-3 Administration/September 2, 1998 ~ February 10, 1999
Clinical Record and Treatment
3 patients with breast cancer took 3g of MGN-3 per day continuously in order to confirm the effectiveness of MGN-3.

Patient K.T. had surgery on her right breast due to breast cancer. One and a half years later, she visited U hospital in Kochi Prefecture. Tumor marker CA15-3 was 268. The increase in CA15-3 is inhibited by combined treatment with chemotherapeutics and MGN-3. The patient's condition has been rather good and she enjoys a typical lifestyle, continuing to visit the hospital consistently.

When patient M.D. visited a hospital, a tumor was sticking out the surface of the breast and resembled a cauliflower. When the patient entered the hospital on August 2, 1997, the tumor marker was 14.6 for CA15-3 and 63.4 for CEA. The patient took 3 g of MGN-3 per day. Though the marker was inhibited to 20.1 for CA15-3 and 65.1 for CEA on October 2nd, surgery was performed at the patient's wish in January 1998. As of February 10, 1999, CEA had declined to 3.5 and the patient continues to take MGN-3 to prevent a recurrence, though she has been in good condition.

Patient M.T. was found to have breast cancer in her right breast on October 1, 1997. The tumor was hollowed with an ozone injection on October 10th. In September 1998, the cancer transferred to the left breast and the surface of the breast resembled a cauliflower and had begun bleeding. At this point, the patient started taking 3 g MGN-3 per day. On January 18, 1999, the patient had surgery, but metastasis to the lymph nodes was detected. (Changes in tumor marker levels: cf. Fig.)


The effectiveness of MGN-3 was confirmed with these three cases of breast cancer; one case was primary and the others were recurrent. In all three cases, tumor markers did not increase during MGN-3 treatment, and MGN-3 apparently inhibited growth of the tumor. MGN-3's effective prolongation of life is obvious because all of the patients are in good condition and stable.

 No.20 Colonic Cancer/Liver Metastasis
 NAME/B.I.AGE/67 SEX/MaleRESIDENCE/Shizuoka Prefecture
Clinical Record and Treatment
In January 1996, the patient had surgery for upper colonic cancer. The possibility of metastasis was entertained due to misgivings about the progression of colonic cancer. Though the patient was taking chemotherapeutics, the tumor marker AFP started increasing in September and liver metastasis was found in November. In April 1997, the patient's liver cancer was excised. In February 1998, liver metastasis was found again and excision was performed a second time. In November, a new metastasis was found in the right lobe of the liver, but the physician in charge of this patient indicated that further surgery would not be possible. In January 1999, the patient started an injection of chemotherapeutics from the hepatic artery. General prostration went on due to adverse effects associated with chemotherapy. In February, the patient visited T clinic. After the patient regulated intestinal conditions per the "partial fasting treatment" that was employed as the base for cancer treatment at T clinic, he underwent original dietetic therapy at this clinic and received 5 g MGN-3 per day. The rotation of administration was five days of continuous treatment following two days off.

Clinical Record and Treatment

The tumor in the right lobe of the liver gradually shrunk, and calcification rapidly progressed since around April 1999. The cancer had been involuted and had calcified as a result of CT and echography. As of May, the tumor marker CEA is normal at 1.2. The patient has rapidly recovered physical strength since May and his entire body appears to be in good condition.


The patient took MGN-3 when surgery did not seem possible after three surgeries for liver metastasis due to colon cancer and redetection of metastasis. The tumor was rapidly involuted by approximately 2 months of treatment. This is thought to be due to the immunopotentiation of MGN-3. The patient is likely to continue MGN-3 intake to prevent recurrence.

 No. 21 Stomach Cancer/T clinic
 NAME/R.SAGE/62 SEX/FemaleRESIDENCE/Shizuoka Prefecture
Clinical Record and Treatment
The patient felt something unusual when passing stool and found blood mixed with the feces. The patient attended K city central hospital in March 1997. On endoscopy, many polyps were found. According to tissue diagnosis, the tumors were benign, class 3 and the larger ones might become malignant; however, the patient did not receive any special treatment and was examined again two years later by endoscopy in March 1999. On this occasion, the polyps were diagnosed as malignant tumors of class 5 by tissue examination. Immediate surgery was recommended, but was refused by the patient on considering her quality of life and she visited T clinic on April 27. There she took 4g MGN-3 per day for immunopotentiation in addition to "partial fasting treatment", and also took 6 tablets of vegetable enzyme supplement per day to improve her blood condition. On endoscopic examination 2 months later (July 12), all polyps were diagnosed as benign, class 3. The sizes of polyps had reduced. In January 1999, the patient experienced vomiting of blood and was admitted to Y City Hospital. She was immediately hospitalized and a malignant tumor was found in her stomach by endoscopy. The patient was recommended complete excision of the tumor by surgery as the main treatment due to the low possibility of metastasis, but she refused it. On February 18, the patient again visited T clinic. Respecting the patient's wishes, the clinic planned mainly dietetic treatment and immunomodulatory treatment on the assumption that total gastrectomy would be performed if no significant changes were observed. After the patient regulated her intestinal conditions by "partial fasting treatment" that was employed as basic treatment at T clinic, she underwent original dietetic therapy at this clinic. MGN-3 was mainly used as an immunopotentiating food. The dose and rotation of administration were 5g per day, with five days of continuous treatment followed by two days off. This administration was continued repeatedly for two months. Two weeks after starting MGN-3, the pain had lessened and her appetite had increased. One month later, the patient started gaining weight and, on April 20, was 4 kg heavier than at the first consultation. The pain almost disappeared. The patient had endoscopy in a professional hospital at the end of May, and tumor tissue from 5 gastric sites were collected. As a result of analysis of these samples, there was no malignancy.


This case was a fairly advanced stomach cancer and the condition needed surgery for complete excision. However, surgery was postponed at the patient's request and an alternative dietetic medical treatment was conducted. The effect appeared significant, and the tumors disappeared for a short period. No heterozygous cell was found in all tissues from any area of stomach tumors. It is considered that the immunopotentiating effect of MGN-3 was the motive power that led to a successful result.

 No. 22 Prostate Cancer/T Clinic
 NAME/T.OAGE/56 SEX/MaleRESIDENCE/Shizuoka Prefecture
Clinical Record and Treatment
At the end of October 1998, the patient felt pain around the abdomen with difficult micturition; he consulted M Prefecture Medical Center. He was diagnosed with metastasis of the lymph node due to prostate cancer on November 10. The level of PSA, the prostate cancer marker, was 122. The patient immediately started hormone therapy. At the end of January, 1999, when his PSA had declined to 75, the patient left hospital. He continued regular hormone therapy at hospital, but the PSA level remained at 77. The patient felt limitations of hormone therapy and visited T clinic on April 10, requesting treatment by alternative medicine. Hormone therapy was conducted as the main treatment, adding dietetic therapy. After the patient regulated his intestinal condition by "partial fasting treatment" that was employed as the basic treatment at T clinic, he underwent original dietetic therapy at this clinic. MGN-3 was mainly used as an immunopotentiating food. The dose and rotation of administration were 5g per day, and five days of continuous treatment following two days off. This administration was continued for two months repeatedly. (cf. Fig.)

Changes due to MGN-3

Three weeks after starting MGN-3, the abdominal discomfort disappeared. The levels of PSA were 12 and 0.8 on May 14 and June 4, respectively. Nothing abnormal has been found in lymph nodes.


Judging from the level of tumor marker, this was metastasis in the lymph node from prostate cancer that might need surgical treatment due to its active spread. It is considered that M Prefecture Medical Center employed hormone therapy in order to maintain function. The growth of tumor cells was suppressed by hormone administration, which could not completely destroy the tumor. The patient experienced a dramatic effect by adding alternative medicine with dietetic treatment. MGN-3 worked as a motive power and increased the effect of hormone therapy. A number of examples of successful treatment of prostate cancer by MGN-3 have been reported, and the present case would support those reports.

 No. 23 Metastatic Lung Cancer/T Clinic
 NAME/K.I.AGE/55 SEX/FemaleRESIDENCE/Tokushima prefecture
Clinical Record and Treatment
In 1996, the patient felt pain and a swelling in her right breast and consulted a doctor in Tokushima prefecture. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and had surgery for complete removal of the right breast. In January 1998, the patient felt pain in the lymph nodes around the right armpit and consulted the T clinic. The patient was diagnosed with metastatic cancer of the lymph node and had surgery. In December 1998, a tumor 5 mm in size was discovered by CT. The physician in charge recommended chemotherapy, which the patient refused, feeling misgivings about the decreased QOL caused by the side effects. The patient visited T clinic in order to improve her physical constitution by dietetic therapy on January 14, 1999. After her intestinal condition was controlled by "partial fasting treatment" that was employed as the basic treatment at T clinic, she underwent original dietetic therapy at this clinic. The dose and rotation of administration of MGN-3 were 4g per day, and five days of continuous treatment following two days off. This administration was continued for six months repeatedly.

Changes due to MGN-3

Ten days after starting MGN-3, fatigue was reduced and the patient felt herself recovering physical strength. Lumbago and constipation were improved one month later and the patient's physical condition was also improved considerably. As a result of an examination at the beginning of July, CT of lung was unchanged and the tumor marker CEA was below 0.7, which was within the normal range, and metastasis of the lymph node was not found.


Although the lymph node was removed surgically, it is considered that the chemotherapy was useful as long as treatment of lung cancer continued. However, the chemotherapy was not carreid out due to the patient's wish to give priority to her quality of life, and instead she received alternative medicine including dietetic therapy in T clinic. As a result, her health condition was rapidly improved and no tumour growth was found. The doctor responsible mentioned that all cancers might disappear. It is considered that the food functions worked sufficiently due to the intestinal conditions regulated by the "partial fasting treatment". The patient's blood sugar level has been stable after it decreased to 76mg/dl from 121mg/dl.

 No. 24 Pancreas Cancer, Gallbladder and Liver Metastasis / T Clinic
Clinical Record and Treatment
The patient was anorexic since May 1999 and felt heavy fatigue. As his body became yellow through jaundice around the end of May, he consulted S hospital on June 1st. The patient immediately received CT, MRI and endoscopic examination and was diagnosed with gallbladder and liver metastasis developing from pancreatic cancer. The condition was relatively advanced and there seemed to be no fundamental treatment other than palliative surgery in order to lessen the jaundice. The patient was advised that his remaining days would be one month or thereabouts. Therefore, he left S hospital without treatment on June 14th. On the next day, the patient visited T clinic, thinking "I shall do anything if I die after all." The patient received the "partial fasting treatment" completely, and took 5g MGN-3 daily for Immunomodulation and 8 tablets and 12 capsules of two types of vegetable enzyme food for improvement of his blood condition, respectively. The rotation was five days of continuous treatment following two days off.

Changes due to MGN-3

The patient's jaundice improved rapidly. Fatigue, nausea and lumbago were also improved. The tumor marker declined and liver function improved as well.


This case was an advanced pancreatic cancer that metastised extensively into the liver, and there was no role for conventional cancer therapy except for palliative treatments. The patient's immunity was enhanced by the improvement in his intestinal condition and the inhibition of nutrition to cancer tissues by the complete "partial fasting treatment". The patient showed dramatic therapeutic effects three weeks later and seemed to avoid the dangerous situation. It is considered that the immunopotentiational function of MGN-3 in particular worked as an enormous motive power. However, in view of the initial situation, the patient's situation is far from reassuring. Continuous observation will be required on his future progress.

 No. 25 Colon Cancer
 NAME/N.SAGE/58 SEX/MaleRESIDENCE/Okayama prefecture
Clinical Record and Treatment
The patient experienced difficulty passing stool, and observed fecal blood. He was diagnosed in K city Central Hospital in March 1997. During endoscopy, many polyps were discovered. These were diagnosed as class 3 and benign, however, the larger ones had a possibility to develop malignancy. The patient did not receive any treatment and had an endoscopy two years later, in March 1999. As a result of that examination, the polyps were diagnosed as class 5 and malignant tumors. The patient was recommended immediate surgery, however, considering his QOL, he declined it and visited T clinic on April 27, 1999. At T clinic, he received dietetic treatment including "partial fasting treatment" and 4g of MGN-3 for immune enhancement, and 6 tablets of vegetable enzyme food for improvement of blood condition. On endoscopy two months later on July 12th, all polyps were diagnosed as class 3 and benign. The sizes of polyps was reduced.


This is a case where a malignant tumor was improved to benign by dietetic treatment and immune enhancement. The patient did not lose the function of the anus and maintained his QOL well. The immune enhancement of MGN-3 appears to be significant and the continuous intake is recommended.

 No. 26  Bladder cancer  Facility/T Hospital
 Patient's name/Y. I      AGE/39 years      SEX/Female
History of past diseases and treatments

The patient developed rheumatoid arthritis while she was studying to be a dentist at a dental department. She opened her dental clinic at the age of 29 and had been engaged in a busy practice. She had severe hematuria in February 1999 and was hospitalized for examination in the urology department of a nearby hospital. Histopathological study revealed bladder cancer. She was invited to have an operation but refused considering QOL. She chose to undergo treatment mainly consisting of alternative medicine and tried various treatments. On June 5, she visited this hospital for treatment. She was immediately put on a restricted diet based on semi-fasting. She was also recommended a daily dose of 4-5 g of MGN-3 to enhance immunity and plant enzymatic foods to improve blood profile. Pain upon urination began to subside 2 weeks after the start of treatment. In early July, 1 month after the start of treatment, hematuria looked thinner suggesting a rapid reduction in the size of the tumor. The value of the tumor marker NMP-22 (normally 12 or less) decreased from 58 on May 25 to 10 on July 28.

Evaluation of MGN-3

Bladder cancer decreased in size in a short period by means of restricted diet and immunopotentiation and disappeared as judged from tumor marker test results. The young age and great self-healing potential may have contributed to dramatic improvement. However, since adherence to conventional lifestyles is likely to cause recurrence and new tumor growth, the patient needs careful follow-up including health guidance.

 No. 27  Pulmonary adenocarcinoma  Facility/T Hospital
 Patient's name/T. T   AGE/53 years    SEX/Female    AREA/Shizuoka Prefecture
History of past diseases and treatments

The patient visited a nearby hospital because she had been severely coughing since October 1994 with sporadic bloody sputum. In December 1994, she was diagnosed with pulmonary adenocarcinoma and immediately underwent surgery. The affected part was resected but no anticancer drug was given nor was radiotherapy administered because no metastatic lesions were observed. No subsequent procedures were performed excepting regular follow-up examinations. The follow-up examination on September 1998 revealed metastases in bilateral lungs. These metastases were too extensive to perform operation and radiotherapy so she was recommended chemotherapy. She refused for fear of losing physical strength due to adverse effects and visited T Hospital on October 29, 1998, seeking treatment that would enhance self-healing potential. She was put on a special diet of T Hospital mainly aimed at the improvement of intestinal conditions and semi-fasting. The patient was given functional foods such as MGN-3 4 g daily (a weekly cycle of 6 successive days of taking and 1 day of pause was repeated), plant enzymatic foods and processed brown rice foods.

Changes caused by ingestion of MGN-3

The values of the tumor maker CEA (normally 2.8 or less) decreased from 12.7 as of October 29, 1998, to 2.3 as of July 7. The disease has improved such that most tumors are indistinguishable in image findings and macroscopic findings. The general condition of the patient is subjectively and objectively sufficient to enjoy life.

Evaluation of MGN-3

This is a case in which increased self-healing potential due to a restricted diet led to involution of pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Lack of treatment with chemotherapeutics and radiation saved the self-healing potential and helped immunopotentiators such as MGN-3 to work sufficiently.

 No. 28  Ovarian tumor  Facility/T Hospital  
 Patient's name/N. S     AGE/46 years     SEX/Female
History of past diseases and treatments

The patient presented with back pain at a nearby hospital in December 1998. The physician referred her to the affiliated hospital of N Medical School where she underwent ultrasonography. The result revealed aggravation of endometriosis and ovarian tumor forming an endopelvic tumor mass that involved various tissues. The patient was considered inoperable. The tumor mass involved small and large intestines and included impurities. The hospital performed CT, MRI and other diagnostic tests until April. Although malignancy was strongly suspected, the patient received only hormone therapy. The patient visited T Hospital on April 12. She was put on a special diet of T Hospital mainly aimed at the improvement of intestinal conditions and semi-fasting while measuring pulsation scores. The patient was given functional foods such as MGN-3 5 g daily (a weekly cycle of 5 successive days of taking and 2 days of pause was repeated) along with other crude drugs. The prognosis was good but the patient complained of acute abdominal pain on August 30 and was immediately admitted to the affiliated hospital of T University, where she was operated on. The operation lasted several hours and was successful. A 980 g tumor mass measuring 9-cm ? 21-cm and 4 masses of hysteromyoma were excised. The small and large intestines, which had been examined in April, were separated before the operation so that the tumor and myoma could be easily excised. Histopathological study showed that these excised masses were all benign.

Evaluation of MGN-3

Examination in April showed that the tumor mass involved small and large intestines and was strongly suspected to be malignant. Examination in August when the operation was performed showed that the tumor was benign though it appeared to be malignant and it did not involve other organs. Whether there was no involvement from the beginning or treatment at T Hospital was effective is not clear. However, dietary therapy and MGN-3 seem to have been effective in that an inoperable patient was operated on with good results, and with thanks from the patient and her husband.

 No. 29  Pulmonary adenocarcinoma  Facility/T Hospital  
 Patient's name/M. U   AGE/59 years   SEX/Female   AREA/Shizuoka Prefecture
History of past diseases and treatments

On June 20, 1988, the patient was admitted to S Central Hospital for the treatment of dyspnea. She had pleural effusion in bilateral lungs and underwent surgery to draw a large quantity of pleural effusion. She was diagnosed with pulmonary adenocarcinoma and remained at the hospital for 4 months. She was readmitted in 1989 for treatment and was given anticancer drugs and antibiotics by infusing them directly into the pulmonary artery using catheters. She remained at the hospital for about 3 years until November 1992, when she was discharged although she had not shown improvement. She developed pneumonia in 1994 and 1995 and was told that she had only 3 months to live. In May 1994, she joined the religious organization "M Kyo." She refused treatment at the hospital in May 1995 and discontinued hospital visits. Because pleural effusion began to reaccumulate, she resumed hospital visits but received no special treatment apart from taking natural foods. She developed hematochezia at the end of 1995 but was not treated. In December 1998, hematochezia occurred at higher frequencies and in larger quantities. She visited this hospital on July 11, 1999. She was treated with a special diet featuring semi- fasting and MGN-3 4 g daily plus enzymatic foods to enhance immunopotency.

Changes caused by ingestion of MGN-3

Hematochezia disappeared and there were improvements in fatigue-proneness, stiff neck, backache and pain in the ridge. As of November 29, 1999, radiography revealed several round shadows in the lungs. Although they are classified as malignancies, the values for the tumor marker were 1.4 for CEA and 36.4 for SLX (normally 38 or less).

Evaluation of MGN-3

This patient's course of disease is unusual. Malignancy of the disease was confirmed by histopathological studies and radiography. The patient seems to have overcome the malignant disease through her strong will. Dietary treatment and immunopotentiation with MGN-3 may have led to improvements in hematochezia and pain and normalization of tumor marker points. However, since malignancy is still detected, careful follow-up examination is necessary. Treatment at this hospital must have enhanced the resistance of the body, which enhanced her spirit to play the main role in fighting the disease.

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